A breefe catechisme so necessary and easie to be learned euen of the simple sort - that whosoeuer can not or vvill not attaine to the same, is not to be counted a good Christian, much lesse to be admitted to the Supper of the Lorde. It standeth of three partes. 1. The first sheweth how miserable all men are of them selues. 2. The second, how happy they are that rightly beleeue in Christe. 3. The third, what duetyes they owe vnto God for his great mercy towards them in Christ Iesus
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
By Hugh Singleton, dwelling in Creede lane, at the signe of the gylden Tunne, and are there to be sold | 1582 | England, Imprinted at London | [16] sidor. |